Monday, December 18, 2006

Progress on Lily

It's true - moss stitch projects *do* seem to go on forever.
knit so far
But will the yarn?
yarn remaining
I have only just over two balls left - plus the swatch. I have knit the back and both sleeves. This photo shows how much of the back was knit with one full ball of yarn:
Do you see the symmetrical pattern on the shoulder blades?
Looks like almost exactly half to me. Still down to the wire, but with somewhat more confidence now, I feel. Incidentally, do you see the difference between the fabric of the left sleeve and the other bits I've knit so far?
The ball used for this sleeve had areas of much lighter yarn - almost a bright, clear yellow - which show up as those bright nubs in the fabric. I noticed that that skein looked different when I wound them up, so I purposefully used it for the sleeve; I didn't want my two fronts to be noticeably different like that. Oh - my dog likes sofas. And blankets. And blankets and sofas both together.
What a softie!
She didn't get told off for the spindle incident; by the time of discovery, it was way too late for her to understand what she'd done wrong. She's OK, and that's the important thing. Oh, and I used the inserts from the chewed spindle to repair another spindle whose inserts I'd mangled, so I still have the same number to play work with.


Blogger Unknown said...

Gosh, that moss stitch is coming along really well, looks great. I love the way moss stitch looks, one of my favourite stitches in fact but I hate knitting it, sigh, the best things in live and all that....

12/19/2006 08:42:00 PM  

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