Friday, November 17, 2006

Stash in, stash out...

So, I have a few things up at the Destash site right now. Some yarn, some spinning wheel parts... There's a bunch more stacked in a corner of the sewing room, too. If no-one's interested, they'll go to eBay or be donated to a knitting charity. In a way, it goes totally against my natural grain to be pushing yarn out the door. I paid for this stuff; I wanted it so badly that I got a little dizzy when I placed the order. I'm sure you know how it is. But... I'm sick of having so much stuff I can no longer organise it (a very affluent condition, I know, but denial won't make anything better). Part of me thinks I ought to use this stuff to knit donations for some of the incredibly worthwhile knitting charities out there. But knitting is my hobby, and I enjoy it most when I knit for me. As you will have gathered from the above, I'm not short of a bob or two. I'm not on the bread line (though current circumstances mean that the budget is being watched for once). But I am time-poor. I would rather donate money (or the yarn itself!) to charities, and keep my knitting time for myself. And yet... and yet... Yarn seems also to have flowed the wrong way; from Destash into my home. Tell me it's not beautiful, though:
10 skeins silk garden. I am weak.


Blogger Mary deB said...

wow, that marigold yarn is a wonderful colour! And the silk garden is great. It's such fun to collect the stuff, and such fun to make it into something, but it does take time!

11/18/2006 12:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Ota, this did make me smile!

I am weak too! I am trying desperately not to add to my papercrafting stash. I went to the massive Hobbycrafts/Art Materials Live/Crafts for Christmas show at the NEC last weekend, which is generally fatal!
I went with a plan of things I really 'needed' - a 12" by 12" storage file for my scrapbook papers, some Herma glue refills and a revolving tool station to finally organize my desk. I still also managed to buy a £10 goodie bag (filled with £30 worth of product - how could I resist?!), some eyelets, some fancy peel-offs, an acrylic stamp, some mags - 4 for £5 and some flock and foil.
See, I am VERY weak!

Rach xx

P.S. The yarn is lovely :-) .

11/19/2006 02:14:00 PM  
Blogger JANNIKINZ said...

Not weak, Lucky - awesome yarn. Really love the colour.

11/20/2006 04:30:00 AM  

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